lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015

Fifth Entry - School assignation

When referring to the school the intern has been assigned to, how do you believe this decision was taken? What factors may interfere?  

6 comentarios:

  1. As for the school, the mission and vision. Their beliefs around teaching and the profile they want in each teacher. This way, the university creates a list of candidates, according to their development. Then the candidates have an interview with the school, just like any other job and they're chosen. At least that was how I was assigned to my school.

    It's like a job, the difference is that a university teacher does the work for you of making short the options of school to apply.

  2. I think two factors were taken into account by the university:

    1. English proficiency: grades in English courses
    2. The average academic level: grades in the rest of the courses of the BA

    However, those factors did not assure that we get the opportunity to work there, due to the fact interviews and test were carried out as a means to get to know which of the candidates met the school expectations.

  3. I agree with the previous comment. The English proficiendy and the academic level were two conditions to pick the school.

  4. The first determinant factor are our grades. The second factor, is the Practicum Coordinator (Coordinadora Académica de Práctica Docente) criteria & The third and final factor are our preferences (taking into account our homes' locations and the schools' locations).

  5. It was my decision to do the practicum in Javeriana University because I really love French. I think that since I had good grades in French class I was able to do the practicum in this language. The advantage of this decision is that I could choose the population because in my case, I wanted to work with adults. Until the moment, the practicum experience has been great.

  6. I think that two factors were involved, the students´ preferences and their English grades.
