lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015

Fourth Entry - kids or teens?

It is pretty common listening to your classmates about their preferences when teaching: some of them prefer to teach children and some of them prefer teenagers. 

Related to this issue, two main questions arise:

1-) Was your preference taken into account when you were assigned to a certain grade at school?  

2-) Has your perception of teaching, learning and age-affinity changed during this short period at school? 

Fifth Entry - School assignation

When referring to the school the intern has been assigned to, how do you believe this decision was taken? What factors may interfere?  

Sixth Entry - The happening

Having in mind that slightly more than half of the population (54.17%) surveyed* claimed not to have reconsidered their professional future, based on a happening during their practicum experience so far, the question that could be asked here is: 

What is the  common  trend  that makes  almost  than half  of  the sample  population  rethink if education is the path they want to follow? 

*Students that participated in a survey that gave shape to the Statement of the Problem of the dissertation this blog belongs to.  

Seventh Entry - Are you prepared to be a teacher?

This point to discuss has two core questions:

1-) Do you feel that pre-service teachers (or student-teachers) are properly prepared for facing the challenge of being in charge of a classroom?

2-)What do you believe about one out of seven students* that expresses not to agree to feel properly prepared for being in a classroom?  

*Students that participated in a survey that gave shape to the Statement of the Problem of the dissertation this blog belongs to.